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General blog thread Anonymous 02/15/2025 (Sat) 18:20:50 No. 166
My head is spinning and I feel dizzy.
I feel like I am getting punched in my face.
Woohoo! I made a deal with the Devil but I settled it! I get to keep my eternal soul!
Last night, I fell asleep with my AirPods in my ears. I was tweaking because, when I woke up, I couldn't find the left one. But, it had just fallen into my shirt.
My phone completely fuxking died today. It must have been dead for at least 2 hours.
I bought hair dye today!
I almost got arrested today.
Sleepy day today.
I cracked my phone's screen protector.
My car got towed so I had to take the bus today.
I lost the plot but it is back now.
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>"What did you do today?" Nothing. Same thing I have been doing everyday. I smoked weed and cigs. Stop fucking asking.
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In a lot of ways, being a bum is extremely liberating. No conforming in behavior to try and be a professional. It is simply a raw form of being.
