/x/ - 20XX


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Max message length: 5120


Max file size: 20.00 MB

Max files: 3


(used to delete files and postings)


Remember to follow the rules

[ / / ]

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Anonymous 02/07/2025 (Fri) 18:33:28 No. 1
I was intending on using this board for site news or current events, lmao.
/g/ is the only board with any file format restrictions. Every other board supports image/png,image/jpeg,image/gif,image/bmp,video/webm,audio/mpeg,video/mp4,video/ogg,audio/ogg,audio/webm.
>>3 Also, I might increase the file size limit only on /g/ later.
Role Signature test. Do you see anything?
Role Signature testing again. Do you see anything?
(172.47 KB 1287x1800 0a9e36b194d424f4b4bb3a459b8fec97.jpg)
No edits will currently be made in any board.
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Is the site time wrong? Also, file type restrictions have been removed from /g/. There will be no filesize increase either.
Anonymity is forced on /g/, as well.
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There has been a sitewide filesize limit increase to 16 MB.
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The email system is broken right now. Reports won't appear anywhere but inside the root account's page. If you are having issues with any post, feel free to reach out to myself, Jacob Ulrich, through the contact page.
By my calculations, 20xxchannel should be able to handle traffic volume of around 68,000 users; at one time. That is loading, posting, and uploading to the site.
By the way, the site may eat your post. Either the Robot 9000, or, other various connection related issues. It happens to me as well, I suggest just trying to remake your post.
The max file size has been updated to 20 MB.
I need to update the about page with the new info posted here.
Post an /x/ are prevented from being deleted and posts on /g/ are forced Anonymous.
